Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST

Authors - Vanishree Pabalkar, Ruby Chanda, Debjyoti
Abstract - When it comes to n recent manufacturing, lines of Production and the Work that is in process are considered as the crucial aspects that determine the Production Performance. TAKT is Takzeit, which means Rhythm of Music. TAKT is a defined as the tool that measures the methods of Production. TAKT times is nothing but the complete time within the defined range. The current study explains the way in which technologically advanced cutting tools can be used for cycle time reduction. The impact of these advanced cutting tools on Production Performance is studied here. The objective is to increase productivity of a particular aspect. This is done by assessing the challenges that occur in the Production process. The ways to do away with the challenges that create obstacles are also identified. The Action taken to enhance Production is discussed. The existing mapping that is termed as the value stream mapping has been considered to explain the current situation of Production and provide suitable solutions. Technologically advanced cutting tools reduce the cycle time and reduce the cost in the Production process.
Paper Presenter
Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST
Virtual Room A Pune, India

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