Authors - Payal Khode, Shailesh Gahane, Arya Kapse, Pankajkumar Anawade, Deepak Sharma Abstract - IoT has brought significant changes in different aspect of the society, social-relational and economic life and how society interacts with environment and physical space. Starting from light switches, locks that open doors, self-driving cars, various bracelets that track a person’s health state, sensors in industries that control machines, the Internet of things brought us to the world of increased connectivity that is filled with various conveniences, effectiveness, and automation. However, this link has given a new level of added insecurity since this makes it easier for cybercriminals to get into systems, manipulate important services, and steal important information. Consequently, this research paper provides the analysis of the complex nature of IoT security and identifies the primary threats inherent in IoT devices and networks. Comparing these models, the outcome is also presented, according to which these vulnerabilities can lead to an organized attack on data and personal accounts that can encompass the theft of personal information, attack on organizational accounts, and disruption of infrastructure and utilities. Moreover, the paper presents material considering IoT security issues as complex would be an understatement, one having to do with its technical, non-standards, and dynamic nature. Analyzing such vulnerabilities and risks, this paper intends to clarify the significance of sound security measures and protective actions that must be put in place to reduce possible threats in the IoT sphere.