Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST

Authors - Shailesh Gahane, Payal Khode, Arya Kapse, Deepak Sharma, Pankajkumar Anawade
Abstract - An essential concern of our community is enhancing education. Everyone would wish to see a smaller class and school, but technology cannot materialize it physically. For the instructor, though, technology may function as a "force multiplier." For the guidance of researchers, a comprehensive questionnaire is formulated for pertinent data from the primary source, and a survey is conducted in the targeted area for determining influence. Using the questionnaire, in-depth conversations were carried out with certain main data sources toward gaining an understanding of the perspectives, mindsets, and behaviors. This would give the researchers any kind of recommendation they may deem necessary and helpful. Statistical tools such as tabulations, grouping, percentages, averages, hypothesis testing, etc. are applied to process the questionnaire. The following are considered when it comes to streams: arts, science, commerce, engineering, medicine. Because technology is always changing, even though we update these pages often, we cannot promise that all the information will remain current. Please visit our technology-focused top page to view the most recent and pertinent tech headlines. In the information age, we can now communicate with one another in ways that were before unthinkable. Educators and administrators are facing a new problem as they try to figure out. Technology has advantages. Using web conferencing or other tools, parents and teachers may be able to work together virtually. This holds true whether they use the internet for virtual communication with professionals or fellow students, or for research purposes. These programs also impart to students the technology skills needed to succeed in the modern workforce.
Paper Presenter
Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST
Virtual Room A Pune, India

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