Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST

Authors - Prajkta Dandavate, Ameya Badge, Mohit Badgujar, Aditi Badkas, Rutuja Badgujar, Orison Bachute, Vedant Badve
Abstract - This paper presents a cutting-edge combination system designed to integrate personalized music recommendations with real-time face-based emotion recognition by using adaptive emotion-driven user interaction. The approach demonstrates how, given a continuously streamed video coming from a PC camera, advantage is taken to analyze emotions as the CNN feeds in user-defined emotions in the emotion categorization task and indicates that such categories of emotions have been quite accurately identified or classified up to around 65% into defined categories, say for example sadness, happiness, and many more. It detects emotions within a room in real time while online building up a playlist of music. The system remains smooth and adaptive, constantly readjusting the emotional responsiveness of the interaction, supported by a multi-threaded architecture. In addition to entertainment, the paper explores other applications in home automation, healthcare, and mental health as well as opportunities for emotion-driven content and advertisements that match the real-time emotional states of users. It brings to the foreground the prospects of machine learning and the possibility of real-time processing in creating deeply personalized, emotionally driven user experiences across diverse settings.
Paper Presenter
Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST
Virtual Room B Pune, India

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