Authors - Anant Chovatiya, Priyanka Patel Abstract - Attendance management holds significant importance for all organizations, serving as a determining factor in their success, whether they operate in educational institutions or the public and private sectors. Efficiently tracking individuals within the organization, including employees and students, is crucial for optimizing their performance. Managing employee attendance during lecture periods has become a challenging endeavor. The task of computing attendance percentages poses a significant challenge as manual calculations often result in errors and consume excessive time, leading to inefficiencies and time wastage. In response to the challenges posed by traditional paper-based practices in educational institutions, this paper introduces a digital solution for managing university lecture slots and attendance. The proposed system, named the "Speed Check system," aims to streamline faculty and student attendance processes through a mobile application, eliminating the need for manual recording and reducing paper consumption. Leveraging a cloud-based NoSQL database, real-time data synchronization ensures seam-less communication across users. The system offers distinct functionalities for Time Table Coordinators and Attendance Coordinators, facilitating efficient slot scheduling, modification, and attendance marking. Utilizing Flutter SDK and Firebase technology, the application provides a user-friendly inter-face and robust data protection. Future enhancements include role-based access control and advanced analytics for informed decision-making. Overall, this digital solution presents a significant stride towards optimizing academic administration and enhancing the effectiveness of attendance management in educational institutions.