Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST

Authors - Panchal Twinkle Shaileshbhai, Pushpal Desai
Abstract - Shadow rendering plays a crucial role in enhancing the realism and immersion of Augmented Reality (AR) applications by seamlessly integrating virtual objects into real-world environments. Dynamic daylight conditions, characterized by varying sunlight intensity, direction, and ambient light, present significant challenges to achieving visually coherent and computationally efficient shadow rendering. This study offers a comparative analysis of diverse shadow rendering mechanisms, evaluating their effectiveness, performance, and suitability for AR applications under fluctuating lighting conditions. Techniques such as Light Direction Approximation, Shadow Mapping, Projected Planar Shadows, and Real-Time Ray Tracing, Dynamic Shadow Blending, Real-Time Sun Position and Shadow Adjustment, Hybrid Shadow Techniques, Brightness Induction and Shadow Inducers and Shadow Perception in AR are examined, highlighting their strengths, limitations, and application scenarios. The research also addresses factors influencing shadow intensity and alignment, providing insights into optimizing realism and computational efficiency in outdoor AR environments. By exploring innovative solution and proposing guidelines for shadow rendering mechanism, this study contributes to advancing AR technology, ensuring enhanced visual fidelity and user experience across dynamic settings.
Paper Presenter
Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST
Virtual Room E Pune, India

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