Authors - T. A. Alka, M. Suresh, Aswathy Sreenivasan Abstract - This study aims to explore entrepreneurship trends in computer science through Bibliometric analysis. 5530 documents from the Scopus are selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria in the initially selected documents. The Biblioshiny package under R programming is used for the analysis. The major findings are; entrepreneurship has wider applications in various domains. It is not a single-domain phenomenon. The trend topics and word cloud show the most trends in entrepreneurship in computer science including learning models, artificial intelligence, games, innovation, entrepreneurship education, digital transformation, computer simulation, etc. The limitations of the study are; papers from the Scopus database are only considered. Documents other than in English, and papers from other domains except computer science are ignored. This literature study lacks the benefits of primary data research. The inherent limitations of the bibliometric methodology will affect the results. The findings of this research provide knowledge on various aspects to the policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and academicians to foster an entrepreneurship ecosystem and understand the trends of entrepreneurship in the computer science domain. The novelty of the study is underlying the comprehensive review of the existing body of knowledge to draw future research directions. The main highlight of this literature review paper is that complete in-depth knowledge of the data is possible through bibliometric analysis.