Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST

Authors - Shailesh Gahane, Payal Khode, Arya Kapse, Deepak Sharma, Pankajkumar Anawade
Abstract - Nowadays, many universities and information technology (IT) institutes throughout the world provide online courses, tests, and certificates. In order to administer the tests from any location, delivery technologies have been developed. Putting this into practice will result in time and travel cost savings. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, there is currently a significant demand for online courses and exams. The majority of universities presently use a variety of assessment methods to evaluate their pupils. These include of oral, paper-based, electronic, and electronic-paper. To help identify the most secure and acceptable assessment method, a survey was carried out. Participants were selected from One Universities in India and Uganda. Population Sample Participants were selected from One Universities in India and Uganda. Using the Krejcie and Morgan formula, a sample of 98 participants was drawn from the 110 research participants. Data was gathered using a questionnaire instrument, and descriptive statistics were generated through data analysis using SPSS software.
Paper Presenter
Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST
Virtual Room C Pune, India

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