Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST

Authors - Sachin Naik, Rajeshree Khande, Sheetal Rajapurkar, Kartik Dalvi, Shubham Rajpure, Vaibhav Kalhapure
Abstract - SmartMail Insights is an intelligent web-based toolkit that is created for email management and all goes above delivering the basic functions of most online mail applications. Through the automation priority ranking, auto-responses and emails summarization, it makes it easier for the users to deal with urgency and important mails to emails that may not be very tiresome. The ML algorithms that it uses help easily sort the emails by content, sender, and, there are separate filters to highlight important emails with variable options. Auto replies are supported by NLP and there is the summarization of text to make it easier to read. Despite this, there are ways that SmartMail Insights could advance its current model of categorization one way is to incorporate its model for identifying and sorting through spam emails and promotional ones at least, into more refined sort of emails such as personal, business and so on since doing so would prove helpful in improving categorization accuracy
Paper Presenter
Thursday January 30, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST
Virtual Room D Pune, India

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