Thursday January 30, 2025 12:15pm - 2:15pm IST

Authors - Ruby Chanda, Reena Lenka
Abstract - E-games and gamification stand out among the innovative pedagogical techniques brought out by the swift integration of digital technology in educational settings because of their capacity to revolutionize the learning process. In order to outline the development, present trends, and future research directions on e-games and gamification in education, this study uses a predictive bibliometric analysis. Using an extensive dataset of Scopus publications from large academic databases, we use cutting-edge bibliometric methods to pinpoint important research themes, significant figures, and foundational works in this emerging subject. Our study displays that, particularly in the previous ten years, there has been a perceptible upsurge in scholarly interest in and publications about e-games and gamification, which is indicative of the rising understanding of these technologies' capacity to engage and encourage students. The study shows that this research area is multidisciplinary, with notable contributions from computer science, psychology, educational technology, and game design. The design and execution of educational games, the psychological principles behind gamified learning environments, and the effectiveness of gamification in improving learning outcomes are among the key study areas that have been highlighted. Our study offers useful insights for academics, educators, and policymakers looking to maximize the educational potential of e-games and gamification by identifying existing tendencies and predicting future developments. In addition to highlighting the current status of research, this predictive bibliometric study also lays out a roadmap for future studies and applications in the digital frontier of education.
Paper Presenter
Thursday January 30, 2025 12:15pm - 2:15pm IST
Virtual Room A Pune, India

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