Authors - Tushar Kulkarni, Pradyumna Khadilkar, Behara Roshan Kumar, Rupesh Jaiswal Abstract - In the modern era of rapid Internet access, it is essential to safeguard electronic devices and the sensitive data they contain from cybercriminals, who constantly find new ways to exploit users by seeking holes in the system and manipulating them. Globally, the average cost of a data breach in 2024 is expected to exceed $4 million, an increase of ten percent from the previous year. A better intrusion detection system capable of handling both legacy and zero-day threats is needed. To address this, we reviewed several relevant publications, most of which were published in the last five years. This has enabled us to compile the latest techniques and breakthroughs. Although NSL-KDD, CICIDS-2017, and UNSW-NB15 received the most attention, other datasets were included. The performance of various intrusion detection systems has been compared in the literature that has been cited. We have proposed a novel methodology known as hybrid intrusion detection system (Hybrid-IDS), which combines both signature- and anomaly-based IDS.