Authors - Dhairya Goel, Chakshu Gupta, Saarthak Bansal, Chaitali Bhowmik Abstract - Mushrooms are a type of fungi, which have unique traits and health advantages. They also helps to fight against the cancer cells. Our main initiative of this research is to classify the mushrooms into two categories one is poisonous and other is non-poisonous. Mushrooms are of of different categories some of them can be used for daily needs but some of them has toxic ingredients in them which is harmful for consumption. So classifying the mushrooms correctly becomes very important as if someone uses a toxic mushrooms it can lead to serious health effects. Classification algorithms helps to solve this issue. Here we are using various ml algorithms to classify the mushrooms some of them are random forest and Decision tree Algorithm. Our main goal is to categorize the mushrooms correctly. We have achieved the highest accuracy with random forest. It is able to differentiate the mushrooms most effieciently and effectively. These results shows that classification algorithms can prove to be very important in categorizing mushrooms.