Thursday January 30, 2025 12:15pm - 2:15pm IST

Authors - Roshan Kamthe, Yash Gaikwad, Shubham Pawar, Kishan Chandel, Pushpavati Kanaje
Abstract - The purpose of this research is to develop a system that can identify hand movements, facilitating easier communication for the deaf and mute. Apart from providing voice output for calls coming in from non-deaf individuals, the system also includes a mobile application that allows users to communicate through hand gestures. Our solution gives those who are hard of hearing or deaf a straightforward way to communicate by utilizing modern technologies like computer vision and machine learning. The goal of this project is to develop a hand gesture detection system that will improve communication accessibility for people with speech and hearing problems, especially the deaf and mute community. Our project's primary objective is to provide individuals who are incapable a clear solution.
Paper Presenter
Thursday January 30, 2025 12:15pm - 2:15pm IST
Virtual Room D Pune, India

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