Thursday January 30, 2025 12:15pm - 2:15pm IST

Authors - Saroj S. Date, Sachin N. Deshmukh, Mahesh B. Shelke, Daivat D. Sawant, Chatrabhuj B. Kadam, Kailas M.Ambhure
Abstract - Analyzing text data in regional languages is essential for uncovering sociocultural insights. However, languages like Marathi face considerable challenges due to the scarcity of computational resources. Over the past few decades, Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) software has become a gold standard for text data analysis. It uses a dictionary-based approach to classify words into predefined psychological and linguistic categories, enabling researchers to explore aspects of personality, behavior, emotions, and social interactions. This research paper introduces the application of MR-LIWC2015 for analyzing Marathi text data. MR-LIWC2015 is a translation of the English LIWC dictionary into the Marathi language. In this paper, by leveraging a dictionary-based approach, MR-LIWC2015 analyzes psychological and emotional dimensions in textual feedback. Using a dataset of 185 student feedback entries, translated from English to Marathi, this research evaluates Marathi LIWC's efficacy by comparing its results with the original English LIWC. Findings indicate a high positive correlation between the two software, demonstrating the reliability of the Marathi LIWC. This advancement not only facilitates feedback analysis in Marathi but also opens avenues for diverse domains like sentiment analysis, mental health analysis, product review analysis, expressive writing analysis, etc. Future work aims to expand the lexicon set of Marathi LIWC and explore cross-domain applications. Furthermore, the software may be adapted for other regional Indian languages, marking MR-LIWC2015 as the first LIWC translation for any Indian language.
Paper Presenter
Thursday January 30, 2025 12:15pm - 2:15pm IST
Virtual Room F Pune, India

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