Authors - Parambrata Sanyal, Mukund Kuthe, Sudhanshu Maurya, Ajay Kumar, Firdous Sadaf M. Ismail, Rachit Garg Abstract - The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare and its significant rise has gained attention in recent days. The rapid and notable advancements in AI technologies and their co-domains have truly aided the healthcare sector with its praiseworthy way of shaping and serving healthcare that is beneficial for society. From disease diagnosis, doctor assistance, and patient assistance to healthcare machinery advancements, AI, along with its codomains such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and robotics, have played a crucial part in aiding society. However, with the unprecedented benefits, AI comes with different challenges. The evident and immense potential of AI and its co-domains can be highlighted, but its ethical and responsible use should be underscored and ensured. This paper aims to navigate ethical and technical considerations, ultimately leading to a revolutionized impact that is ethically grounded and innovative at the same time by responsible AI use. Addressing these challenges can bring out the full potential of AI and enhance the overall patient treatment outcomes along with the quality of care. This paper also systematically reviews all the AI-driven advancements in the recent past and their overall performances, which different stakeholders and users underscore.