Friday January 31, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST

Authors - Sheela S. J, Rajeshwari B. S, Harsha M, Subhash T. D, Tejas H. S, Thanmaya Ganesh C. S, Harsha S. M, Keerthana T. V
Abstract - One of the leading causes of death Globally cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). 2019 key Statistics on CVDs is as follows: Total Deaths: 17.9 million people, 32% of global deaths, 85% of CVD deaths which approximately 15.2 million deaths from heart attacks and strokes. Hence, early diagnosis plays a crucial role in reduction of heart related diseases. Usually, the healthcare professionals collect the initial cardiac data using their quintessential instrument called stethoscope. Traditionally, these stethoscopes have significant drawbacks such as weak sound enhancement and limited noise filtering capabilities. Moreover, the low frequency signals such as below 50 Hz may not be heard because of the variation in sensitivity of a human ear. Hence, the usage of conventional stethoscopes requires experienced medical practitioners. In order to overcome these limitations, it is necessary to develop a device which is more sophisticated than conventional stethoscopes. In this context, the proposed work aims in the development of digital stethoscope which has the capability of displaying heart and lungs sound separately. Further, the proposed digital stethoscope permits to document, convert and transmit heart and lungs sounds to dB range digitally thereby reducing unnecessary travelling to medical facilities. The proposed stethoscope results are compared and validated with conventional techniques.
Paper Presenter
Friday January 31, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST
Virtual Room A Pune, India

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