Friday January 31, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST

Authors - Sandeep Shinde, Parth Kedari, Atharva Khaire, Shaunak Karvir, Omkar Kumbhar
Abstract - With the use of cutting-edge technologies like Flask, web technology, API rendering, Make It Talk, and machine learning (ML), an AI smart tutor bot is being implemented with the goal of giving users an engaging and customized learning experience. The bot uses machine learning techniques to analyze responses and generates quiz-style questions with multiple-choice possibilities and extended answers. This allows for quick feedback. Additionally, it has an interview mode in which the user engages with an AI avatar that reads their body language and facial emotions. Using written material and specialized alphabets, the AI avatar is dynamically educated, gaining comprehensive knowledge and an accurate evaluation of user performance. The research article goes into detail about the system architecture, how different technologies were integrated, and the process for training the avatar and gauging user response. Through user feedback and experimental trials, the AI Smart Tutor Bot's performance is assessed, showcasing its potential as an advanced teaching tool that can adapt to each student's unique learning needs while boosting comprehension and engagement.
Paper Presenter
Friday January 31, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am IST
Virtual Room B Pune, India

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