Friday January 31, 2025 3:00pm - 5:00pm IST

Authors - Olukayode Oki, Abayomi Agbeyangi, Jose Lukose
Abstract - Subsistence farming is an essential means of livelihood in numerous areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, with a significant segment of the population depending on it for food security. However, animal welfare in these agricultural systems encounters persistent challenges due to resource constraints and insufficient infrastructure. In recent years, technological integration has been seen as a viable answer to these difficulties by enhancing livestock monitoring, healthcare, and overall farm management. This study investigates the effects of technological integration on enhancing animal well-being, with an emphasis on a case study from Nxarhuni Village in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. The study employs a random sampling method of 63 subsistence farmers to investigate the intricacies of technology adoption in rural areas, highlighting the necessity for informed strategies and sustainable agricultural practices. Both descriptive and regression analyses were employed to highlight the trends, relationships, and significant predictors of technology adoption. The descriptive analysis reveals that 56.6% of respondents had a positive perception of technology, even though challenges like animal health concerns, environmental conditions, and financial constraints persist. Regression analysis results indicate that socioeconomic status (coef = 1.4468, p = 0.059) and gender (coef = -1.1786, p = 0.062) are key predictors of technology adoption. The study recommends the need for specialised educational programs, improvement in infrastructure, and community engagement to support sustainable technology use and enhance animal care practices.
Paper Presenter
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Abayomi Agbeyangi

South Africa
Friday January 31, 2025 3:00pm - 5:00pm IST
Virtual Room A Pune, India

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