Friday January 31, 2025 3:00pm - 5:00pm IST

Authors - Ankit Patne, Hritika Phapale, Kaushik Aduri, Hemantkumar B Mali
Abstract - Cloud-based Learning Management Systems (LMS) are secure online platforms that enable L&D professionals to upload their resources and build a comprehensive suite of learning materials. This paper presents an overview of the cloud LMS technologies landscape and examines architecture, scalability solutions, and security perspectives on deploying these tools. We take a look at how these platforms are also incorporating machine learning into their personalization of learning experiences. If you investigate some of the case studies on platforms like Coursera, you will get a sense of practical ways to implement and maintain performance improvements. The present paper, by reviewing current literature reviews major benefits of cloud technologies in improving educational outcomes, which include reducing cost, better scalability, and enhanced security. Such a study contributing to the evolving knowledge base of cloud-based education is shedding new light into the possibility of how cloud LMS can revolutionize IT security education delivery.
Paper Presenter
Friday January 31, 2025 3:00pm - 5:00pm IST
Virtual Room B Pune, India

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