Friday January 31, 2025 3:00pm - 5:00pm IST

Authors - M R Shreyaank, Dhanush Karthikeya A J, Dhanush Rajan S, Ashwini Bhat
Abstract - This research attempts to investigate the potential healing effects of Vedic chants and music on the human brain through an in-depth analysis of EEG signals. The Vedic chants are known for their inherent calming and meditative attributes and are believed to impart positive influences on the human mind and body. The study employs a simulative model to analyse EEG signals during exposure to Vedic chants. Recorded EEG signals from MDD (major depressive disorder) subjects are subjected to preprocessing and feature extraction processes involving frequency-domain analysis and power spectral density. The study compares the extracted features between conditions of Vedic chant exposure and controlled settings and shows that there is significant increase in alpha and beta powers after listening to the specified chants. Rejuvinating and Calming chants showed the best positive impact.
Paper Presenter
Friday January 31, 2025 3:00pm - 5:00pm IST
Virtual Room C Pune, India

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