Authors - Parambrata Sanyal, Mukund Kuthe, Sudhanshu Maurya, Sushmit Partakke, Firdous Sadaf M. Ismail, Rachit Garg Abstract - The most important public health challenge of myocardial infarction is caused by the obstruction by cholesterol and plaque accumulation in arteries, resulting in morbidity and mortality across the globe, especially in low and middle economies that lack health services, preventive measures, and early detection facilities. This study seeks to support the development of effective strategies by proposing a stacking ensemble model for timely forecasting and treatment of this disease in a serious way to improve healthcare significantly around the globe. The proposed methodology has been implemented on a retrospective dataset acquired from IEEE Dataport. The methodology involves normalization and standardization of the dataset, ensuring uniformity so that the machine learning classifiers work well. Our research compares several widely used machine learning classifiers, including Support Vector Machines (SVM), Gradient Boosting (GB), and Naive Bayes (NB), whose hyperparameter tuning has been done by grid search CV (GCV). The proposed stacking ensemble model stacks Light Gradient Boost and Cat Boost algorithms after being hyper-tuned by the Particle Swarm Optimization technique to enhance the overall predictive capacity. The results demonstrate that the proposed stacking ensemble model surpasses the individual classifiers in metrics, including the F1 score, recall, accuracy, and precision that are considered in this paper. Future directions of the research would be to work on expanded datasets and, most importantly, increase population diversity, add clinical parameters, and instead utilize more sophisticated machine learning techniques.