Authors - Killol Pandya, Trushit Upadhyaya, Aneri Pandya, Upesh Patel, Poonam Thanki, Kanwarpreet Kaur, Jinesh Varma Abstract - The 2x2 Ultra Wide Band(UWB) MIMO antenna model with 31 x 26 x 1.56 mm3 are designed and presented. The proposed antenna system consists of two primary radiators over the surface layer and positioned with sufficient space between each other to receive adequate response. The conducting patches include U shaped and inverse U shaped slots to increase the current traveling surface. The bottom corners of the patches are having fractional geometry and supporting arms associated with microstrip line to offer resonances at desired frequencies. The Ultra Wide band characteristics are reported due to partial ground plane geometry. The additional strip with slots are deployed with ground plane to receive the satisfactory isolation as the radiators create mutual effect on the other ones which turns into performance degradation. For UWB, the structure exhibits gain of around 2 dB and around a bandwidth of 85% which shows the applicability of discussed research. The other diversity parameters such as Mean Effective Gain(MEG), Gain diversity, Channel Capacity Loss and Envelope Correlation parameter are analyzed and presented. The proposed antenna is well appropriate for WiMAX, WLAN and C band applications.