Authors - Sehaj Preet Kaur, Rahul Chaudhary, Rashmy Moray, Shikha Jain, Sridevi Chennamsetti, Harsha Thorve Abstract - This study aims to investigate the factors affecting the usage intent of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and its adoption among Gen Z and Millennials. Purposive sampling technique was used Using structured questionnaire, primary data was gathered and statistical tool SEM using SmartPLS was employed to assess the influence of factors under UTAUT2 model on usage intention. The findings reveal that users are inclined to adopt NFTs when perceived as easy-to-use and hassle-free. Likelihood of adopting is further facilitated with some conditions like adequate resources and support. Interestingly, habituality toward traditional digital assets had diverted effort from the steepness toward NFTs while hedonic motivation shows a lack of inclination for novelty over utility. Besides, performance expectancy and social influence play a big role, while the perceived cost acts as a showstopper. The study contributes to the existing body of knowledge and the stakeholder to estimates NFTs intent use.