Authors - Rowan Cowper, Grant Oosterwyk, Jean-Paul Van Belle Abstract - The rapid and widespread growth of AI use has brought about a number of important areas for research. This paper aims to examine the human factors that impact AI use: whether demographic attributes, trust in AI, and perceptions about AI influence whether someone will use AI or not. A survey among South African industry and academic respondents was used. The key findings of this study include that age and education have a significant impact on trust in AI. Domain knowledge and education levels were significant indicators of perception of AI, with higher levels of domain knowledge and education leading to lower perceptions of AI. Both AI trust and perception were found to have a significant positive impact on whether someone made use of AI or not. These findings may inform decision makers on targeted interventions, such as education, to increase the use of AI in industry and academic contexts. Hopefully further academic research will also validate our findings in other research contexts, such as India and/or different population segments.