Authors: Shailesh T. Khandare, Nileshsingh V. Thakur Abstract: Image segmentation is the key and important process in the image analysis. In general, thresholding technique is used for the grey level image segmentation and when it comes to apply for the color images, the RGB color image is separated in three grey level planes and then it is applied on these grey level planes or else the color image is directly converted to grey level image and then it is applied on this converted grey level image. This paper addresses the issue of computation time requirement to carry out these three grey level plane image segmentations through the generation of grey level image without using any inbuilt function of tool or platform. The data fusion approach is proposed which is based on the trichromatic coefficients. A single grey level image is formed from the available IR, IG, and IB grey level planes using the trichromatic coefficients. Obtained results are compared on the basis of bilevel and multi-level thresholds. Otsu bilevel threshold of obtained grey level image differs with the Otsu bilevel threshold of converted grey level image by 11 %. Obtained grey level image by proposed approach is visually near about similar to converted grey level image. Error between the thresholded images of proposed approach and converted image is less. Obtained multi-level threshold values are close with the multi-level threshold of converted image.